"Born with Cerebral Palsy, a disability that causes spasticity of all my muscles, my body requires constant maintenance. This entails having a sport regimen that prevents stiffness, keeping my muscles supple so that I can continue to move around. Unlike other personal trainers, the trainer at Martens Body Engineering was willing to work with me despite my disability. I was taken seriously and together we explored what training program would help me retain the strength in my legs so I can continue to stand and walk."


"After trying their various equipment, an individualized sport routine with one-on-one supervision was setup. Having my personal trainer support my hips increases my balance while using the cross-trainer. Being able to use this equipment is my greatest achievement so far and I am always motivated by my trainer to go even further."


"The workouts of my lower body are alternated with my upper, giving me strength in all my limbs. Although coordination of my arms is difficult, I can hold the weights while my trainer guides the movements needed to maintain the muscles in my arms. Through positive feedback, reenforcing what I can do instead of what I cannot, the trainer gave me the confidence and will to keep on moving. Martens Body Engineering pushes me to be my best self!"